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This Month in History: December

December 1, 1970 – Pittsburgh NOW members stage a “sit in” at Frankie Gustine’s to protest discriminatory practice of this male only bar.

December 1967 –   Wilma Scott Heide is elected to the board of the National Organization for Women and appointed chair of the Membership Committee at the second national conference.


December 1, 1931: LaVera Brown was both the first Black and first employed President of the YWCA Greater Pittsburgh Board in 1978. She co-founded the Ad Hoc Committee to Counter the Klan, a coalition of social justice organizations, in 1980

December 10, 1932: Anita Fine is an activist for peace and justice. Wilma Scott Heide recruited Anita and Dan Fine to become founding members of the Greater Pittsburgh Area Chapter of NOW.

December 14, 1931 (2001): Ruth Heimbuecher was a travel writer for the Pittsburgh Press and a founding member of the Greater Pittsburgh Area chapter of NOW.

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