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PITTSBURGH NOW: Blueprint for Feminist Activists, 1967-1989

- Categorized under Past Events

Dates: March 3 – 31, 2024
Location: Undercroft Gallery, First Unitarian Church, corner of Morewood & Ellsworth

  • use Ellsworth Avenue entrance
  • accessible parking in driveway on Morewood Avenue, then take walkway directly in front of parking space

Opening Reception: Sunday, March 3, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

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PITTSBURGH NOW: Blueprint for Feminist Activists, 1967-1989

- Categorized under Upcoming Events, What's Happening

PITTSBURGH NOW: Blueprint for Feminist Activists, 1967-1989

Dates: March 3 – 31, 2024
Location: Undercroft Gallery, First Unitarian Church, corner of Morewood & Ellsworth

  • use Ellsworth Avenue entrance
  • accessible parking in driveway on Morewood Avenue, then take walkway directly in front of parking space

Opening Reception: Sunday, March 3, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

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