PITTSBURGH NOW: Blueprint for Feminist Activists, 1967-1989
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Dates: March 3 – 31, 2024
Location: Undercroft Gallery, First Unitarian Church, corner of Morewood & Ellsworth
- use Ellsworth Avenue entrance
- accessible parking in driveway on Morewood Avenue, then take walkway directly in front of parking space
Opening Reception: Sunday, March 3, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
“Changing the Want Ads”
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Screened at the Pittsburgh Shorts Film Festival, November 6, 2019
Intro to In Sisterhood Project & Screening of Changing the Want Ads
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AAUP Chapter, Indiana, PA, September 28, 2019
Chatham Feminist Activists
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Chatham Feminist Activists
Multimedia Exhibit
October 12 – December 20, 2019
Gallery Hours: Mon-Thurs, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Chatham University Art Gallery
Woodland Hall
Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
50th Anniversary Celebration of Pittsburgh Ordinance #395
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Monday, July 8, 2019
6:00 reception & silent auction
7:00 program, Premiere of Changing the Want Ads
Keynote speaker Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority Foundation, will talk about 21st Century strategies for making gender equity a reality.
Hard Hatted Women: Trailblazing in the Labor Union @ IUP
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Hard Hatted Women: Trailblazing in the Labor Union
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Hard Hatted Women: Trailblazing in the Labor Unions multimedia exhibit, Opening Reception, August 26, 2016.
Friends mingled with women featured in the Hard Hatted Women: Trailblazing in the Labor Unions multimedia exhibit at the Rivers of Steel Gallery, Homestead PA at the opening reception on August, 26, 2016. Anne Feeney and Ginny Hildebrand, featured in the exhibit, performed music from the labor movement. They also led a sing-a-long of “This Land is Your Land” and other movement songs.
Documenting our History and Digitizing NOW Chapter Archives Panel
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Documenting our History and Digitizing NOW Chapter Archives Panel, NOW 50th Anniversary Conference, June 25, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Pat Ulbrich, In Sisterhood Project Director, participated in the panel, Documenting our History and Digitizing NOW Chapter Archives, at NOW’s 50th Anniversary Conference. She presented an overview of the oral history project’s goals to preserve the history of the women’s movement in Pittsburgh and create a digitized collection that will be housed at the University of Pittsburgh Libraries Archive Services Center.
History of the Women’s Movement Panel
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History of the Women’s Movement Panel at the Pennsylvania Bar Association Annual Conference, May 11, 2017.
Jessie Ramey, Ph.D., Chathan University, Lisa Terault, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University and Pat Ulbrich, Ph.D., In Sisterhood Project, were featured speakers on the History of the Women’s Movement Panel at the 24th annual conference of the Women in the Profession, Pennsylvania Bar Association Annual Conference. Heather Arnet, Women and Girls Foundation of Southwest Pennsylvania moderated the panel.
Hard Hatted Women: Trailblazing in the Labor Union @ CalU
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